To become a Garfield student create an OpenCCC Account and complete the Noncredit Application.
How do I register for a class?
You can register for a variety of Noncredit Business and ESL courses through your MyGCC Portal.
Are the classes free?
Yes! Our noncredit courses are all free.
How do I access my online class?
You can access your online/remote classes through your Canvas Account.
How do I activate or reset my student email
You can activate/reset your student email address by logging into your MyGCC portal and clicking on student profile.
Is there help with completing the application
Yes, our step by step how to video will help you with opening your CCC account and completing the noncredit application. If you still need help, you can visit us in the Welcome Center or Welcome Center Live Help Zoom.
How can I change my personal information on my account?
You can change your personal information by logging onto your MyGCC account and clicking on student center then demographic data. If you still need assistance, you can contact Garfield Admissions at 818-240-1000 extension 1370.
How can I get a device for my online classes?
For ESL students, you can check out a device by contacting the Noncredit ESL department at 818-240-1000 extension 5033.
For Business students, you can check out a device by contacting the Noncredit Business department at 818-240-1000 extension 5690.
Who can help me with my eBook?
If you are having trouble with your eBook, reach out to your instructor and they will guide you or refer you to the appropriate department for help.